Thursday, July 8, 2010

Kanak2 kecik n Pakcik Post Office :D

On one very fine evening, I was walking towards McLanahan at Allen Street in downtown to look for biscuits and a drink because I was very hungry. :P :P

On the way, when I was just about to reach the corner to turn into Allen Street, I saw a small little girl around the age of 3 or 5 if I should say. She was walking towards me from the opposite direction, and she was holding hands with one of her parents.

No no I'm not a stalker :P But she caught my attention because she was already staring at me from far farr away. I realized that she was looking at me when we were still walking towards each other. And all the way, she was smiling. Awww comelll sungguh!! XD

And when we were about to cross paths, she lifted her other free hand and started waving at me. I smiled and just waved back. I didn't really notice who she was holding hands with but she was sososo adorable! With blonde curly hair too awwww =)

And a few days later, I was heading towards the post office to post our internet bill. I went there early in the morning before class starts, because if I was to go there at noon or so, there be a longgg line XD

Thankfully, I only saw one person at the counter. YAy!

I gave the letter as usual and paid 50 cents n got back 6 cents. Malang sungguh wallet tak cukup 44 cents, byk quarter je XD

N suddenly, the postman saw my harp-shaped brooch and asked whether I played the harp. I laughed and said no :P I think this is the second time someone asked me the same question. I guess I should be wearing a piano or guitar-shaped brooch then? Anyone wanna buy me one? :P

Okie2 n then, he suddenly said that u know, some people told me that one of the hardest instrument to play is the harp, as u gotta go two ways or something. I was like oooohhh really? wow2 I didn't know it was hard to play a harp :D

n then he suddenly said sumting like oh, u're all dressed with jewelry and all, that's very nice! I simply said thank you n after da dpt change I head off.

Hmmmmmmmmmmm yang peliknya, I was wearing green: meng-enhance kn my kulit yg da gelap a bit hahahaha, n I wasn't wearing any jewelry except for my ring! XD

Even so, felt happy that ade org puji the tudung though (because over the counter he could only see my head n my tudung mostly haha)
Pakcik Post Office, eventhough ramai people says U are strange, I think u are simply just unique in ur own way ;)

*found his pic online, famous rupanya hahaha XD*

till next time! ;)

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