Assalamualaikum! :)
Yeaaahhh we meet again! Sorry2 for the late update :p Been very busy since I got back home! :D This is because as soon as I arrived home, I only had about less than a week to spend time with my family, to settle things for my intern as well before I start doing my intern! XD
Well to cut things short, Alhamdulillah I received the opportunity to do my internship at Felda Biotechnology Center, in Bandar Enstek N9! :D Since I was indeed all the way in the US, I only received my offer through e-mail, and I was told that housing will be provided~ Then when I arrived home at Subang, I called them to ask for the housing address and they said that the housing was full. I was like WAAAAaattttt XD And I had to start my intern right away as my supervisor, Mr.Tan, wanted me to do the internship for at least 3 months. Thankfully, he was lenient enough to let me still perform the internship yayyyy Alhamdulillah! :)
(Okay, that wasn’t short :P)
Soooo the story is to be continued bwahaha :P Because.. First things first! I managed to surprise my parents with my return home :D My friends and I took a shuttle to JFK airport, and arrived at Hong Kong 16 hours later, and finally to KLIA! :D Btw it was my first time in Hong Kong! :)
When we arrived at KLIA, my luggages were one of the last to appear isshhh :P But when I got to the place where my siblings will be waiting for me, they weren’t there yet (tak jadi nak nangis drama2 wahahaha :P) so I waited for quite a while. Soon I thought that I should try to call abang or Aida~ and yesss I only had RM50 and RM1 cash :P HOW TO MAKE PHONE CALL LEHH!! XD and when I wanted to buy maybe a drink from burger King or rather dinner~ *RM13+++ per set* I was like WAAAaaattt??? XD
Soon I found myself stalking abang2 staff KLIA that were around the area to exchange my RM1 to coins kahkahkah :P But before I managed to attack one of the pakcik2, I saw my brother looking at the flight screen~ most probably looking for my flight :D I went running to him with my trolley of begs to surprise him from behind~ Suddenly someone shouted “akak!!” and I saw Aida on my left! :D soon we hugged and I hugged my brother first because I saw a video camera in Aida’s hand n I was afraid that she will drop it if I hugged her unexpectedly hahahaha :D
*me n abanggggg :D*
*otw to carpark. GILA PANAS OKIE! XD*
Then yeaah we head back home, but we had dinner at McD before that. Oh the nikmat of McD NUGGETSSS XD
Then we headed back home to surprise mama first because papa was working that night :D Well my siblings said they were off to play badminton~ And I must say my sis is the better actor hahahaha :p
When we arrived home, my sis was suppose to be recording the surprise from the kitchen, while my brother was in charge of bringing mama downstairs :D
Abg: ma, err got sampah to throw not?
Ma: *tak penah2 anak aku tanya nak buang sampah ni mesti ade ape2*
Where’s Aida?
Abg: err Dunno~
Ma: HAH???
*finally he somehow managed to bring mama down XD*
(I was hiding at the lounge downstairs, where if you were standing at the stairs you couldn’t see me:3)
My bro was already at the lounge, while my mom was at the stairs.
Ma: Ni kenapa ni senyum2???
OMG ABANGGG issshhhhhh :P
N then mama saw me, and I salam and hugged herr :D the first thing that she said was; “Yani?? How? How come??” hahahahahaha mama2 XD
Alhamdulillah mama takdela terkejot teruk~ I was worried at first of making a surprise. Old folks kaannn, must be careful haha XD
Then we did fairly the same thing with papa :D I hid in my room and opened the room door when papa came back home from work :D
Mama said she slept well that night, as she knows all her children were at home that night :)
And I could say that those few days, my parents LITErALLY FED ME XD
Okay putting my weight gain aside, mama n my bro accompanied me to find where Felda Biotech Center was in N9. With the use of google map and GPS, we managed to find the place Alhamdulillah :D met Mr.Tan and Kak Milah for the first time, and thankfully they agreed to help me find a housing. But I had to berulang-alik from home to my practical place for about a week before being able to move into my new housing :)
*actually it is a much longer story, but Alhamdulillah I got free housing from Felda~ stay kat umah2 staff FELDA :D
I must say, da lame tak call kakak2 by KAKAK2 :P and at the lab Kak Milah calls me Ili, while others call me Wan. At the house, my housemates call me Yani. Sometimes I get confused myself with so many names hahahaha XD
But you can’t help but enjoy (or rather be stressed :P) when you made a mistake and your supervisor goes “Waaaaaaaaaannnnnn!!” XD
Here’s just what I have experienced at the beginning of my summer. Lots of things had happened that I will share with you soon, insya-Allah! :D
Till next time, enjoy your summer! ;) Salam! :D
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